Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is the use of less energy to perform the same task. In a building, energy efficiency looks at how to use less energy to cool, heat, light up, and run appliances.

What is Energy Performance?

Energy Performance relates to the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and it is the net energy consumed kilowatt hours (kWh) per square meter of an area, per year. The formula being (kWh/m2/a). This is to measure the electrical needs of the buildings; this includes lights and heating or cooling.

How our RoofWhirlys4Africa Roof Whirlys work

The ceiling cavity is one of the main contributing factors of indoor heat. It is created from two main sources. Radiant heat occurs from the absorption of the sun’s heat through the roofing and exterior of the building which then spreads to the interior of the building. Convection currents cause hot air from the interior of the building to rise and be trapped within the ceiling cavity. This trapped heat can cause the ceiling cavity to reach temperatures of roughly 70°C. The hot air is then moved into the rest of the building causing it to heat up.

Our Roof Whirly’s release the hot air that is trapped in the ceiling cavity and allows for fresh air to enter. this fresh air cools and replaces stale air in the building.

Benefits of our RoofWhirlys4Africa Range

RoofWhirlys4Africa products do not need any type of electricity to run. Our Roof Mounted Wind Turbine Ventilators are able to cool buildings and houses using only air and/or heat movement. Our Skylights allow natural light to enter an area therefore reducing the amount of electricity needed to light a room. Since our products do not need electricity to run, they reduce the overall amount of electricity used to cool and/or light buildings and houses as a result making them more energy efficient.

Our Roof Whirlys run 24 hours a day meaning that they will continue to cool the building throughout the night. This supports the drive to be more energy efficient because less electricity will be needed to cool buildings after being cooled all night.

A research study on the differences between vertical and spherical ventilator vanes was performed by the University of Technology in Sydney. It showed that vertical vanes on average performed 200% better than spherical vaned ventilators. Vertical vanes drew in more air than spherical vaned ventilators in all measured wind speeds. Read more about wind turbine ventilation here. Our plastic design compared to the metal ventilators are cheaper, UV stabilised, more durable, run 24 hours a day, and are aesthetically pleasing. To read more about the benefits of our plastic deign, click here.