Ventilation for Agriculture

Excellent energy saving ventilation for agriculture

Excellent energy saving ventilation for agriculture

..Animal comfort provided by good ventilation for agriculture has a direct influence on health, productivity and profit

RoofWhirlys4Africa wind driven ventilation systems in barns help you maintain a comfortable environment to keep your animals healthy and productive day and night every day of the year for free.  Farm animals continuously produce heat and moisture. Good ventilation is necessary to constantly exchange warm, humid air inside the barn for cooler, drier air outside of the barn. This exchange must occur regardless of outside temperature or weather conditions.  Fresh outside air is required even on a cold, windy night to reduce moisture accumulation inside the barn. Extracting stale air and replenishing with fresh air also removes nuisance odours and manure gases that can have negative effects on animal health and performance in agriculture.  Have you walked into your barn in winter and been dripped on from water that has collected on the steel beams.  Often people do not realise that good ventilation in winter is often more important than in summer as it removes this excess moisture.  This lengthens the life of your buildings (lower maintenance means more profit).  Click here to read more about whirly vent wind turbine ventilation.

Most common size roof vent for agriculture

The most common size whirlybird type roof vent used in agriculture is the 500mm roof whirly vent.  The advantage of a 500mm roof turbine ventilator is that it is suitable for big buildings and is easier to fit then a roof vent with a larger throat.  It moves more air than a smaller roof vent therefore requiring fewer for the same extraction.  The further advantage of 500mm roof mounted turbine vent is when you cut the hole the edges of the sheet can be left intact.  This reduces the requirement for a stiffening frame or structure underneath.  Our 240mm RoofWhirly4Africa roof turbine ventilation systems are ideal for your smaller buildings like your office, your house and staff accommodation.  The advantage of our 240mm roof vent is it fits very well on a tiled roof.  This 240mm roof turbine vent replaces a single tile on the roof whereas anything with a larger throat diameter requires a space that is bigger than one tile.  These smaller RoofWhirlys4Africa 240mm roof vents are available in silver, green and terracotta to match your various roof colours.   Unique roof vents in our wind turbine ventilator range are our highly corrosive proof roof turbine ventilators. 

RoofWhirlys4Africa ventilation systems are extremely durable and corrosion and dent proof

Our standard roof vents (roof mounted wind turbine ventilators) are corrosive and dent proof.  They are manufactured from a high quality durable plastic stabilised with UV and heat stabilisation to last at least 10 years in the African sun and have an aluminium spindle and steel rivets and screws. 

Unique totally corrosion proof RoofWhirlys4Africa wind turbine ventilation systems

For highly corrosive environments we have developed roof turbine ventilators that are totally corrosive proof.  The spindle is stainless steel, the rivets and screws are also stainless steel and the 2 permanently lubricated sealed bearings are VERY DURABLE and completely metal free.  These highly corrosive proof RoofWhirlys4Africa roof vents are completely covered by our comprehensive 5 year warranty (we include wear and tear in our guarantee).

Completely serviceable - spares are readily available and inexpensive

A completely unique feature of all of our RoofWhirlys4Africa wind turbine ventilation systems is they are completely serviceable and spares are readily available and inexpensive.  Gone are the days when you buy a wind turbine ventilator, it gets damaged in a hail storm (as so many of the metal whirlybird type ventilators do) and you have to completely replace your expensive roof vent.  

RoofWhirlys4Africa Toilet / Sewer vents

We also have a toilet / sewer range suitable for outside toilets, waterless toilet systems etc.  The range includes models to fit 110mm PVC pipe, 150mm PVC pipe and 240mm PVC pipe.


Proper ventilation for agriculture improves profitability



Proper ventilation is also essential to reduce barn maintenance. Adequate air exchange extracts the corrosive gases that often damage barn materials.  It also stops water vapour condensing on interior surfaces. This increases the lifespan of the barn consequently reducing the cost of maintenance and increasing profitability.

Agriculture - factors to consider when deciding the optimal number of roof mounted wind turbine ventilators

Some conditions and factors to consider when deciding how much fresh air is required:

  • Animal size and age - Pre-weaned calves need less air exchange than lactating cows.
  • Number of animals- One calf in a hutch needs less air exchange than 50 heifers in a barn.
  • Outdoor temperature- Air exchange rates increase in very hot weather to remove excess heat.
  • Bedding and manure handling - Air exchange needs to increase if moisture and ammonia from wet and soiled bedding makes the space damp and smelly.

The recommended ACH (air changes per hour) for animals in a barn is 10 ACH

Good barn ventilation for agriculture provides fresh air to:

  • control moisture produced by the animals through respiration, water spillage, manure and urine in cold weather
  • control heat produced by the animals in hot weather
  • remove odours and gases produced by the animals from manure and urine, and by breathing out C02
  • distribute fresh air evenly throughout the barn to prevent dead spots and avoid drafts in the winter, and remove heat in the summer.

Proper ventilation is also essential to reduce barn maintenance. Adequate air exchange extracts the corrosive gases that often damage barn materials.  It also stops water vapour condensing on interior surfaces. This increases the lifespan of the barn.

Excellent energy saving ventilation for agriculture sorts out poor barn ventilation

Poorly ventilated barns are easy to identify. They are damp and foul smelling and are likely to have condensation on interior building parts.

The bottom line regarding ventilation is whether the animals are comfortable. Properly ventilated barns are continuously filled with fresh, outside air that provides a healthy environment. As a result, animals will maintain productivity throughout the year and farm profitability will not suffer during hot summer or cold winter weather.

Benefits of RoofWhirlys4Africa ventilation for Agriculture
Removes heat, odours, vapour and dust
It does not produce a draught and offers free night cooling, reducing daytime temperatures.
Reduces carbon footprint as it is driven by wind ( renewable energy)
Whisper quiet – 2 x permanently lubricated double sealed bearings
Increased lifespan of your barn - reduces building maintenance (extracts moisture and heat)
Saves monthly energy costs

Low total cost of ownership

Affordable to purchase and install

No running costs

Works 24/7 with no downtime

No maintenance

Can be installed anywhere as they don’t need electricity
Designed with materials that resist harsh weather conditions including hail
Range includes unique highly “corrosion free” models in each size especially for corrosive acid etc environments
Doesn’t rust or dent, chip, crack or corrode
5 year comprehensive guarantee – expect 10+ years of hassle free effective ventilation
Lamb pneumonia is often related to poorly ventilated sheep barns.  When constructing a new sheep barn, plan to ventilate naturally.

Lamb pneumonia is often related to poorly ventilated sheep barns. When constructing a new sheep barn, plan to ventilate naturally.