Ventilation for Commercial Buildings

Making business sense out of climate change

Affordable energy-saving ventilation for Commercial buildings

Affordable energy-saving ventilation for Commercial buildings

Wind driven roof mounted wind turbine ventilation – the Natural Choice for effective affordable ventilation for Commercial buildings

RoofWhirlys4Africa ventilation for Commercial buildings provides excellent energy-saving ventilation in your building.  Proper ventilation makes sound business sense because it has been proven to improve productivity and health.

  • By installing RoofWhirlys4Africa whirly vents you will have absolutely no impact on the environment.  Since they are fuelled completely by nature you can REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT;
  • Enjoy the clean fresh cool air supplied by RoofWhirlys4Africa that makes buildings healthy and comfortable for people in and visiting your office / workplace.  You benefit because there is improved indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and productivity.  Furthermore good ventilation reduces the airborne transmission of respiratory infections improving the health of workers;
  • Good ventilation has some further benefits that improve profitability.  This is because wind driven turbine ventilation improves productivity, reduces building maintenance, improves the shelf life of perishable products, and has a particularly low total cost of ownership.  Enjoy a ventilation solution that is affordable to buy, simple to install, works maintenance free for 10+ years, and most of all costs nothing to run.

Most of us will spend about half of our life in a work or office environment

Especially relevant is most of us spend about half of our life in a work or office environment.  As a result providing good ventilation that makes the office / workplace comfortable, productive and healthy makes a real difference.

Affordable ventilation for Commercial buildings

Affordable ventilation for Commercial buildings

Click here to read more about wind turbine ventilation.

Most popular roof vent size for commercial buildings

The most popular whirlybird type roof vent used in commercial buildings is the 500mm roof vent (suitable for large buildings).  This is the biggest size you can fit without cutting through both sides of the sheet.  This means the 500mm roof turbine ventilator is easier to fit then a roof vent with a larger throat as this size reduces the requirement for a stiffening frame or structure underneath.  The 500mm roof vents move more air than a smaller roof vent therefore requiring fewer for the same extraction.    Our 240mm RoofWhirly4Africa roof turbine ventilation systems are ideal for your smaller buildings like container offices and small storerooms.  A significant advantage of our 240mm roof vent is it fits very well on a tiled roof.  This 240mm roof turbine vent replaces a single tile on the roof whereas anything with a larger throat diameter requires a space that is bigger than one tile.  These smaller RoofWhirlys4Africa 240mm roof vents are available in silver, green and terracotta.

RoofWhirlys4Africa ventilation systems are durable, corrosion and dent proof

Our RoofWhirlys4Africa standard roof mounted wind turbine ventilators are corrosive and dent proof.  They are manufactured from a high quality durable plastic stabilised with UV and heat stabilisation to last at least 10 years in the African sun.  The plastic is slightly flexible with an excellent memory allowing the RoofWhirlys4Africa roof vent to bounce rather than dent.  These roof vents have an aluminium spindle and steel rivets and screws.  RoofWhirlys4Africa roof vents are completely covered by our comprehensive 5 year warranty (we include wear and tear in our guarantee).

Completely serviceable - spares are readily available and inexpensive

A completely unique feature of all of our RoofWhirlys4Africa wind turbine ventilation systems is they are completely serviceable and spares are readily available and inexpensive.  Gone are the days when you buy a wind turbine ventilator, it gets damaged in a hail storm (as so many of the metal whirlybird type ventilators do) and you have to completely replace your expensive roof vent.

RoofWhirlys4Africa Toilet / Sewer vents

We also have a toilet / sewer range suitable for outside toilets, sewers and waterless toilet systems etc.  This range includes 4 models.  There are 2 models to fit a 110mm pipe (325mm vane diameter model and 250mm vane diameter model), a model to fit a 150mm PVC pipe and a model to fit a 240mm PVC pipe.

Remove pollutants

RoofWhirlys4Africa ventilators circulate air to provide excellent ventilation in Commercial buildings. Furthermore this HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning) system draws fresh air into the building as it removes stale air naturally. Since this ventilation system provides fresh air to building occupants at a comfortable temperature and humidity, the air is free of harmful concentrations of air pollutants.  These air pollutants include:

  • Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide;
  • Tobacco smoke;
  • Molds and bacteria;
  • Cleaning products;
  • Copy machines and printers;
  • Pesticides; and
  • Vehicle exhaust fumes.

Choose Roofwhirlys4Africa 

Choosing RoofWhirlys4Africa turbine ventilators is the cheapest and most efficient way to ensure adequate ventilation of your workplace.   Furthermore you enjoy a solution that is more reliable than any other ventilation system. Especially relevant is it sucks up contaminated, polluted and hot air from your workplace to make room for cool, fresh air to enter the building from outside. You will enjoy continuous air-flow from these roof mounted wind turbine ventilators.  You will hear them commonly referred to as whirlybirds, turbo ventilators or whirly gigs.

Our products are designed to withstand high winds and variable weather conditions.  Choose to install RoofWhirlys4Africa wind driven turbine ventilators since it will result in a substantial saving in electrical energy. This is because they are fuelled completely by nature.  This renewable wind and heat energy is also known as a “natural exhaust system”. Since these roof vents are maintenance free and last for at least 10 years they are also very cost effective.

Renewable sources of energy

RoofWhirlys4Africa offer a whole range of roof mounted wind turbine ventilators and accessories suitable for your commercial workplace or warehouse.  Using renewable sources of energy (wind and heat), RoofWhirlys4Africa wind turbine ventilators help healthy living and increase productivity.  Furthermore they reduce maintenance of plant & machinery and buildings. In addition good ventilation prolongs the life of things like roofing sheets in your buildings.

Commercial benefits and features

Commercial benefits of RoofWhirlys4Africa turbine ventilators Features of RoofWhirlys4Africa turbine ventilators
Improves concentration and reduces fatigue since good ventilation reduces levels of carbon dioxide and increases  oxygen levels inside buildings. Manufactured from UV stablilised polyprop they are strong, sturdy and durable (at least 10 years)
Good ventilation ensures quality interior air .  Most of all this reduces the spread of transmittable diseases and airborne viruses thus reducing the spread of sickness in the workplace. They are lighter in weight than the metal turbine ventilators
Poor indoor air quality (due to a build up of chemical and biological contaminants) is linked to employees suffering from headaches, fatigue, hypersensitivity and allergies, sinus, congestion, dizziness, shortness of breath, coughing and nausea). Roof mounted wind turbine ventilators remove these chemical and biological contaminants.

There are less vanes than the traditional 36 or 48.  As a result more air goes through replacing air in the building faster.

This unique design increases the overall performance whilst still being rain proof.

Good ventilation provides comfortable temperatures.  Furthermore it  removes excessive and irritating odours and prevents mold growth (caused by high humidity levels in poorly ventilated buildings). These roof turbines use absolutely no electricity so can be installed anywhere and perform efficiently in a wide variety of conditions.
Prevents Sick Building Syndrome (symptoms include irritation of eyes, nose and throat, headaches, fatigue, and susceptibility to colds) when at work. All components are life time rust free.
Prevents excessive heat and dust build-up (this impacts positively on productivity and the performance of machines and equipment). 2 x permanently lubricated sealed bearings make it smooth, speedy, noise free and long lasting.
Prevents losses from damage to goods and products caused by excessive heat and dust build-up.  


Poor ventilation poses a risk to employee’s health, machines and equipment as well as goods and products. Good ventilation increases productivity, reduces sick leave and workers absenteeism from work.  Furthermore good ventilation reduces machine and equipment malfunctioning and damages to goods and products.

Proper ventilation of workplace removes unpleasant smells, excessive heat, smoke, fumes, excessive moisture and dust build-up by continuously replacing the interior air with cool and fresh air from the outside.  Most importantly it prevents stagnation of the indoor air.


“Generally speaking, a movement or circulation of the air within an enclosed space in any ventilation system is essential to ensure that the temperature and humidity be maintained within a range that allows adequate evaporation of perspiration from the skin. There is evidence to show, that the deleterious effects result largely from interference with the heat regulating mechanism of the body. Lack of air currents and the increase in relative humidity and temperature, especially noticeable in crowded or poorly ventilated places, prevent normal evaporation of perspiration and loss of heat from the surface of the skin.

Under requirements to maintain a safe working environment, many dwellings and factories now need adequate fresh air exchange to remove gaseous, process emissions and/or heat build up. Good ventilation is a key element in maintaining a healthy environment for people within the confines of a building. Failure to provide adequate ventilation in a building can result in problems with moisture, unpleasant smell, lack of oxygen, and unacceptable content of poisons gases such as CO which cause medical conditions.

Accumulation of contaminants

Contaminants such as formaldehyde or radon can also accumulate in poorly ventilated homes, causing health problems. Due to fact that every person’s resistance to pollutant varies, it is hard to obtain an accurate quantitative measurement of the impact of ventilation on human beings (Hanssen 1997). However, some method was proposed based on the consideration of the factors such as direct medical costs and lost earnings due to major illness as well as increased employee sickness days and lost productivities while on the job (European Collabrative Action report 2000).

For example, Brooks and Davis (1992) calculated that productivity loss in the United States of America attributed directly to indoor air quality (IAQ) is around 14 minutes per day; Pillgram Larsen (1991) estimated loss in Norway is of 1 to 1.5 billion of euro per year which is equivalent of 250 to 350 euro per inhabitant. For Finland, a more detailed estimation was given by Seppanen and Palonen (1998) where the potential economic impact of indoor air pollution was estimated to be tens of billions of dollars per calendar year (see Table below).

Economic impact of indoor air pollution

Building Type Maintenance Costs (Billion Finnish Marks) Energy Costs (Billion Finish Marks) Cost of poor indoor climate (Billion Finnish Marks)
Houses 12.7 7.2 7.0 (Mould allergies)
Office / Schools / Hospitals and other buildings 37.3 7.0 10.6 (Radon cancers, decreases in efficiency, poor learning, hospital infections)

Table 1 - Cost due to poor air quality”

Extracted from Wind Driven Ventilation for Enhanced Indoor Air Quality
Jason Lien and N.A. Ahmed
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW 2052,