Roof Mounted Wind Turbine Ventilators

RoofWhirlys4Africa - Roof Mounted Wind Turbine Ventilators

These ultra quiet, energy-saving roof whirly vents draw heat out of buildings (especially in summer) and reduce condensation (especially in winter). They are very effective air-conditioners which Mother Nature pays to operate. Our roof vents (aka whirlybird vents) are manufactured by us in South Africa and provide AFFORDABLE and EXTREMELY effective cooling (and fresh air) for every kind of permanent and temporary building. They only need the lightest of breezes and/or a venturi to run super effectively. They do NOT need electricity and COST absolutely NOTHING to run.

RoofWhirlys4Africa Range of Turbine Ventilators

RoofWhirlys4Africa manufactures and distributes a full range of roof turbine ventilation systems to suit commercial, agriculture, industrial, public buildings (like health clinics and schools) and domestic (residential) ventilation of buildings - see below.  Our range includes our totally unique fully corrosive proof roof vents for highly corrosive environments and buildings with high exposure to sea air.  Our range also includes toilet / sewer vents to fit  110mm, 150mm and 240mm pipes. We have agents and installers (including commercial roofing specialists) where you can buy these whirlybird type roof vents across South Africa including Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Polokwane.  If you would like to become an agent contact us here.   We also export our turbine vents to other countries in Africa and the world (we have customers in the USA and....)

Our Products

RoofWhirlys4Africa Range of Turbine Ventilators

Easy to Install - Shop Online

These whirlybird type ventilators are easy to install and come with a full set of installation instructions.  If you buy our whirly vent roof ventilation systems online you have a choice of installing your RoofWhirly4Africa yourself (if you enjoy DIY) or we have experienced installers in many areas in South Africa.  Click here to go to our online shop where you will find our range of turbine vents (whirly vents) and prices.  A service we offer our online shoppers is free delivery for all orders over R1000.00 to your nearest Courier Guy.

Equestrian ventilation solutions

For the horse enthusiast our equestrian ventilation solution of roof mounted turbine ventilators for stables, barns and indoor arenas forms part of the Safety4Horses range.  If you would like advice from a Safety4Horses agent then click here or contact us.

Superior Quality yet very affordable wind turbine ventilation solutions

Don't be fooled into thinking you are buying an inferior quality product when you find how affordable our roof turbine vents are.

Our experience in the manufacture of plastic turbine ventilators started many years ago when we manufactured tens of thousands of whirlybird type roof vents for large suppliers of natural ventilation solutions using their specified design and moulds.  In later years we used this experience and our extensive knowledge of plastics to design our own range of vastly improved roof turbine vents.  This has resulted in our superior quality affordable natural turbine ventilation solutions backed by our comprehensive 5 year guarantee (that includes normal wear and tear).  The important quality differences are the following.

Two permanently lubricated and sealed ball bearings (and not just one).

Have you been into a building where the turbine roof vents squeak?  It is a known fact that superior quality turbine ventilators have not one but two permanently lubricated sealed bearings. Our superior design not only ensures our roof vents don't squeak but our superior quality turbine roof vents start up much more easily and run more freely.  This makes the ventilation solution far more effective and prevents any risk of leaks.

Vertical vanes ventilators draw more than double the flowrates than the same throat size spherical vane (onion shape) ventilators can achieve at the same wind speeds

It is a known fact that vertical vanes make turbine vents more effective.  Testing at Universities show the improved effectiveness when compared with similar-sized traditional spherical vents.

The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) tested the performance of two identical throat size wind driven rotating ventilators aka whirlybirds (Project Number: E98/42/041).  The results showed that vertical vane ventilators constantly drew more than double the flow rates than spherical onion shape ventilators could achieve at the same wind speeds.

Vertical vanes have distinct benefits over traditional vents as they provide:

  • Improved torque/power at low wind speed;
  • Better protection against rain;
  • Larger exhaust opening; and
  • Greater "sail" area to drive the turbine

Withstands variable weather conditions far better

You will have seen bent, buckled and mis-shapen metal (galvanised and aluminium) and rigid plastic (e.g. ABS and HIPS) roof vents on buildings.  Galvanised and aluminium whirlybird type roof vents are prone to dents from hail.  Rigid plastic can chip and break in hail.  The plastic we use for our RoofWhirlys4Africa whirly vent turbine ventilation solutions is a superior quality slightly flexible plastic with an excellent memory - we make our turbine whirly vents with bounce.  This means they are unlikely to dent, chip or bend.  Furthermore the plastic is heat and UV stabilised ensuring at least 10 years of hassle free operation.

We offer a unique totally corrosive proof turbine vent

Our standard superior quality roof vents are rust free and very corrosive resistant.

However, we understand that there are some highly corrosive enterprises.  Currently even the best corrosive resistant aluminium and plastic whirlybird type vents simply fall apart after a matter of months in a highly corrosive environment.

For this reason we offer a completely corrosive proof roof vent that carries our comprehensive 5 year guarantee.  The changes include:-

  • the bearings have no metal at all; and
  • all screws, rivets and spindle are stainless steel and not aluminium / steel.

Completely serviceable - spares readily available and inexpensive

It is frustrating to buy a roof vent only to find that if it is damaged in a hail storm it has to be thrown away and totally replaced.
Apart from our comprehensive 5 year guarantee - our roof vents are completely serviceable and spares are readily available and inexpensive.

Colour is in the plastic - not painted

Our attractive colours come standard in the top quality plastic we use (along with the UV and heat stabilisers).  Because our roof vents are not painted our superior quality wind turbines stay looking new.  Standard colours are silver, green and terracotta.  Black is a regular colour available from our agents and our factory direct.  Furthermore your corporate colours are available depending on order volumes.  We source colour from a reputable colour supplier which guarantees the same shade every time.

and of course

An added advantage of plastic is it largely theft proof (as it contains no metal and therefore has little resale value.

Our roof vents are designed to fit roof pitches from 0° to 45°

Embrace the GREEN Building Revolution and Breathe Life Into Buildings

Sustainable energy strategies, such as RoofWhirlys4Africa natural air ventilation systems, are becoming increasingly important in buildings.  Think of it this way, natural ventilation in the form of roof vents allows a building to use as much as 60% less energy.  Effective hot air ventilation systems also dramatically improve air quality and health for the occupants.  Add international and government targets to reduce carbon emissions, and it’s easy to see why people are excited about this green building revolution


RoofWhirlys4Africa Logo Driven by Nature

Why Use Roof Mounted Wind Turbine Ventilators?

How does the RoofWhirlys4Africa natural ventilation solution work?

Roof vents (also known as whirybirds or whirlybird vents) take advantage of wind and buoyancy to drive fresh air through a building.  This natural air ventilation system removes the need for energy-intensive air handling units (air conditioners)– which can be expensive in terms of installation, energy use and maintenance. 

Why do we need good ventilation?

“Good ventilation is a key element in maintaining a healthy environment for people within the confines of a building. Failure to provide adequate ventilation in a building can result in problems with moisture, unpleasant smell, lack of oxygen, and unacceptable content of poisons gases such as CO which cause medical conditions. Contaminants (such as formaldehyde or radon) can also accumulate in poorly ventilated buildings and homes, causing health problems.”

Wind Driven Ventilation for Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Jason Lien and N.A. Ahmed School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW 2052, Australia.

ISSN: 2278 – 909X International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE) Volume 5, Issue

How do these turbine ventilators work?

The mechanics of air movement is very simple. The hot air inside the building tends to rise up. When the turbines rotate, they suck the warm air out through the vent, thereby, bringing out a drop in temperature in the building and allow the supply of fresh air through vents, doors and windows.

A turbine ventilator provides a form of natural ventilation, moving air continually and causing trapped, stale air to be replaced with cleaner, cool air from outside. The turbine is a free-spinning roof ventilator, which uses a combination of wind energy and convection to facilitate air changes.

Due to the fact that they are located at the highest point of the roof, they provide optimum ventilation.


When there is even the lightest of breezes outside - The extremely well designed RoofWhirlys4Africa turbine ventilators take advantage of a breeze / wind to draw air out of the building through the throat of the ventilator. Even the lightest of breezes drives the ventilator and ventilates the building in two ways:-

  • as the breeze turns the ventilator, it creates an area of low pressure on the leeward side of the turbine. This low pressure zone is fed by drawing air from inside the building through the turbine, causing a continuous extraction of stale hot air from the building; and                                                                                                                                                                             
  • as the turbine rotates, the centripetal forces associated with the rotation fling air outwards to the tips of the vanes. This draws air from the building through the throat of the ventilator causing continuous ventilation.

When your building is hot and there is no breeze - An important feature of the RoofWhirly4Africa turbine is it will run even when there is no wind.  When thermal currents develop within the building this will cause the ventilator to rotate drawing hot stale air out of the building and creating continuous ventilation.

Advantages of RoofWhirlys4Africa ventilation

RoofWhirlys4Africa roof top ventilators have several advantages.  These include they do not need to be powered by electricity, they are located such that they exhaust the hottest air first, they do not cause any harm what so ever to the environment, they tend to save a lot of money because there is no operating cost plus they are maintenance free.

They also have to be strong and anti-corrosive. As they are installed on the top of the roof and come in contact with rain and birds the ventilators are made to be rainwater and bird proof. The ventilators are also designed in a way that prevents leakage and  down draft into the building allowing air entry from the side openings.  Ultimately wind turbine ventilators are pleasant looking, and tend to enhance the architectural looks of the building.

Where To Use Roof Mounted Wind Ventilators


It pays to be GREEN - lower your industrial carbon footprint with RoofWhirlys4Africa wind driven turbine ventilators.

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Animal comfort in agriculture....has a direct influence on health, productivity and profit

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RoofWhirlys4Africa wind driven roof mounted turbines domestic range provide an affordable GREEN ventilation solution for everyday living

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Gentle footprints today will ensure a path for tomorrow – Our GREEN ventilation solution provide some extremely important health benefits

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RoofWhirlys4Africa sewer vents for safe and healthy natural ventilation of toilets and sewerage systems

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