RoofWhirlys4Africa comprehensive 5 year guarantee

The RoofWhirlys4Africa manufacturer's 5 year guarantee is applicable to new product sales world- wide. The 5 year period starts from the date of purchase. If you cannot find your proof of purchase document please contact us to see if we can assist you to source a copy.

If there is any doubt as to whether the product is covered by the warranty, please contact RoofWhirlys4Africa or visit our website for assistance.

Contact us

Please contact us with any questions you have:-


+27 33 234 2912


+27 82 570 5865 (Kevin)

+27 82 442 5556 (Keith)


P1(10) Groot Vallei 941

P548 Petrusstroom Road

Midmar Dam




What is included in this warranty?

The following is included in your comprehensive 5 year guarantee

  • Any defects in manufacturing faults (manufacturing materials or workmanship); and
  • Wear and tear that occurs during normal use during the 5 year warranty period.

What is excluded from this warranty?

This warranty only applies to manufacturing faults and does not include any other service provided.

The warranty does not cover failures caused by any of the following:

  • Defective as a result of misuse, negligence or carelessness either in its use or storage;
  • Defective as a result of improper installation;
  • Damage caused by improper use and/or operation outside the directions for use (e.g. installing a standard roofwhirly4africa in a highly corrosive environment instead of the highly corrosive free roofwhirly4africa);
  • Force majeure / Acts of God (such as fire, war, or extreme weather) that are not the fault of any party;
  • Damage caused by any other cause not objectively ascribable to the manufacturer (accidental breakage, transport damage); and
  • Units considered as "No Fault Found"

Our warranty turnaround obligation

RoofWhirlys4Africa aims at a maximum of 15 (Business) day turn-around-time on warranty claims (RTE, Repair Time Elapse).

See our Returns and refund policy and damaged / defective goods on receipt policy for our policies for recently purchased items (received 10 days ago or less).

What do I do if I think my RoofWhirly4Africa has a manufacturing defect?

In the unlikely event your RoofWhirly4Africa has manufacturing defects (materials or workmanship), please contact us. If it is within 10 days from you receiving it, please refer to our damaged / defective goods on receipt policy. If it is more than 10 days from you receiving it we will ask you to send a photo of your defective RoofWhirly4Africa with the proof of purchase details. Once the photo has been received and we have confirmed the item has manufacturing defects (materials or workmanship) and it is between the period of 11 business days & 6 months (inclusive) from date of purchase, you have the choice to have your RoofWhirly4Africa exchanged or refunded. If the purchase date was more than 6 months ago we will agree the best option for example send spares or send a replacement (shipping at our cost for installations in South Africa). Where required, we will arrange to collect the defective RoofWhirly4Africa at our cost (in South Africa).

Change of mind Returns and Refunds

We do offer the option to change your mind - please see our Returns and Refund policy.*

*(This is part of our extraordinary service to you - we are not obliged in South African law to accept returns and refunds because you changed their mind.)

What happens if I find defects outside the 5 year Warranty Period?

We are here to help you. Please contact us to discuss if you have a problem with your RoofWhirly4Africa and it is outside its warranty period. We will assess and make a recommendation. A unique selling point of the RoofWhirlys4Africa products is they are completely serviceable and the spares are inexpensive.

The retailer from whom you purchased your RoofWhirly4Africa may carry their own Warranty repairs and / or product exchange. In such cases, you will apply the retailer’s warranty process for a product repair or replacement in the event of product failure during their specified warranty period. The repair and return obligation will, therefore, be with the retailer.

You may decide to replace your RoofWhirly4Africa rather than have it repaired. We are here to offer assistance and advice.